What's in the book

Islamic guidance for females

The book centres on Islamic guidance for females regarding their outer garment – THE JILBAB. It draws the attention of the readers to the appreciation of the descent of garments as a blessing from Allah to cover our nudity. While the world is almost at the peak in it’s call to nudeness of the females, a Muslimah should know this favor from her Lord and not be among the ungrateful.

The garment isn’t an exception

In it’s uniqueness, Islam has stipulated the exact and appropriate ways favors of Allah should be appreciated and reciprocated. The garment isn’t an exception; so for the females, donning their outer garments is one of the required ways of giving gratitude to their Lord for the blessing of garment.

Important issues surrounding the Jilbab

In view of the great confusion around the topic of hijab, the book therefore discusses in details the important issues surrounding the Jilbab; stage-by-stage revelation of the hijab, the definitions of both hijab and jilbab, their lexical differences and the proper way of wearing the Jilbaab which is the last command on hijab. The conditions of the jilbab were also examined with their proofs.

Challenges Muslim women face

The discussion was concluded by looking into different challenges Muslim women face which hinder them from the use of the Jilbab and solutions to them were proffered.

About DR Ish'aq Olorunnisola AL-LUTHEE

blured image of Dr Luthee

"Dr Ish'aq, a calm, humble, yet deeply schooled student of Islaamic knowledge is a medical Doctor with a deep concern about the growth of pristine Islaam. In this encyclopedia of classical Islaamic jurisprudence, the Doctor who currently practises medicine in Saudi Arabia, challenges Muslim minds to shed the tons of ignorance and intellectual retrogression/stagnation bedevilling their spiritual growth."

Shaykh Umar Paiko

Also by the author
Front cover of a Muslimah's Guide in a pandemic of sexual violence by Dr Luthee Back cover of a Muslimah's Guide in a pandemic of sexual violence by Dr Luthee

Recently, our society has witnessed increasingly appalling cases of rape and other forms of Sexual violence against both the minors and adults . Although the crime of rape is centuries old, the recent increase in the spate of sexual violence and assaults on females – without excluding decent Muslim women – calls for serious concern. Therefore, it is important to discuss the Islamic guidance for Muslim women and means of protection against such unpleasant societal vices.

In this treatise, I have gathered some practical tips to safeguard oneself from the rape menace ravaging the society, especially Muslim women. While pragmatic steps are essential to the attainment of goals, a Muslim must never underestimate the power of Dua and constantly seeking refuge with Allah. Therefore both practical steps and Dua were discussed in details.

The psychological effects and solutions were also discussed so as to give a comphrensive approach to the topic.

The topic was beautifully concluded with encouragement on patience during trials and the huge rewards for the Saabireen.

Reader's Reviews On Jilbaab
Reader's Reviews On Muslimah's Guide in a Pandemic of Sexual Violence

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